Monday, May 30, 2011

It's all about the Fruit

I am still blooming where God planted me.
But I am not blooming with the flower as the end result.  It's all about the fruit.

It's not all done when the flower appears, it's a work in progress. After all, what is the flower for? To produce the fruit.   Fruit increases slowly in size and ripeness—from fragrant blossoms to green fruit to ripe fruit. Likewise, the fruit of the Spirit grows slowly and steadily to maturity.

And after all, what am I as a Christian for? To produce fruit. Ephesian 2 :10 says, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
I waited in eager expectation for my apple tree to bloom this spring.  The earth coming back to life after the gray death of winter  is so rejuvenating for me! Seeing life where it seems impossible makes me feel like I am coming alive again too. In the same way, the beginning of fruit in my life, when I was dead in my sins, is only possible through God, who first redeemed me through Jesus and gave me the gift of eternal life and made me alive again; then through the Holy Spirit, who gave me faith in Jesus through the Word of God and produces the fruits of faith in my life.

Then the leaves appear, as I grow in His Word.  This year it seemed as if the blossoms stayed frozen in this state for many days, because of the abnormally cold spring.  Hopefully I grow faster than that, not having any coldness in my heart towards faithful Bible study.

Then at last a glimpse of color, as the buds warm up in the sunshine.  For it is God who does the growing in me, as His Word shines into my heart. 

And He continues to shine in me, so that I can bloom where He planted me, for His purpose, according to His will for my life.  

But it's not just about blooming pretty. It's all about the fruit. After the lovely flower dies, the fruit forms.  And it's not about me. It's about the fruit  produced in me by the Spirit. 

I love to see the first evidence of the tiny little fruit on the apple tree after the blossom is gone.  I discovered this today, that though I waited eagerly for the blossoms to come, I didn't realize how much more beautiful the fruit is.

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" Galations 5:22

God bless you and keep on Blooming where God planted you!
Christine :-)